Feb 9, 2011

Catch Anything?

I'm working on a series. The only problem is, it's cold enough to freeze the Madison lakes enough to walk around on the ice. :-/

The few folks I've interacted with so far are fascinating people. Some are talkative, others seem to be out there on the ice because they like or need a certain solitude. They have interesting lives. They don't catch much, but they like to ice fish. Nobody ice fishes if they don't like to ice fish.

I have rigged a "click on a stick" setup that lets me position a camera boom several feet up in the air. I use a D700 and fast lens so it's heavy, especially if you include the pole extension and the remote trigger. I'll be trying some things to perfect this. I might also try a smaller/lighter camera.

If I don't fall through the ice, more images coming soon.

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